Golden Inu Token [$GOLDEN] opened at the price of US$0.0000000000153 on the PancakeSwap exchange. This was just 4 weeks ago.  Today, the token has eliminated 1 of those zeros, moving the bep20 token’s price to US$0.00000000008842.  It’s had a better return on investment than actual gold and tops all the dog cryptocurrencies. Now the new BSC token is reaching another milestone, US$500000 market cap.  And with the rapid growth, compounding numbers suggest  total market capitalization could reach millions by next week.

According to Dex-Screener, Golden Inu currently sits at a market cap of US$448,000. Just 5 days ago, the loyalists of the token were celebrating on reddit that $GOLDEN reached  $208,000. The market cap over doubled in those 5 days. Investors have swooped in on the native token of the “Golden Inu ecosystem,” injecting over US$48,000 into the emerging cryptocurrency daily.

The reason for this rush of investors is likely the consistency of Golden Inu’s team of developers and former founder. All plans on their roadmap have been delivered thus far and the token’s become labeled, “Binance’s version of Shiba Inu… but better.” 

Preview Of Golden Inu’s $GOLDEN Dashboard Released

The crypto organization recently released a preview to the “$Golden Dashboard.”   This will be a way for the ecosystem’s users to easily view Golden Inu tokenomics and vitals in a simplified format. Though an official date has not been given for release, it is clear they have the product in ‘beta’ stage.  

 A tweet from Crypto Coin Opps suggests it will be released by April. The crypto news site has been reporting regularly on Golden Inu which suggests they may have an inside tip off.

If released before April’s end, the “$Golden Dashboard” will be the second web3 product released for its community members in less than 2 months. No other cryptocurrency in the ‘dog class’ has delivered new web3 products in such rapid succession. Not Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Shikoku, Floki Inu, Baby Doge Coin, Baby Shiba Inu, nor others.

Hundreds of People On Golden Quest Job Platform

Another stride forward, the first release was the “Golden Quest.”  

Phase 1 of the ecosystem, hundreds of members are already utilizing the Crew3 collaborated release. It’s a job platform where community members can get paid in $GOLDEN token or Binance’s $BNB coin for helping build the ecosystem they are invested into.

The first step for the project, the Quest platform is viewed as genius by crypto analysts. It made the $GOLDEN token a requirement for people seeking the globe’s biggest motivator — real money.

Prediction: BSC Token Will Double in Value 

With the first platform causing an eruption of ‘watchers’ turning into investors during this first 3 weeks of public availability, it’s likely even more will come with this phase 2 release. With over US$48000 daily being invested into Golden Inu tokens this week, it’s clear numbers are compounding. And it’s also clear many are watching, waiting to see more ‘security’ in the token before joining the wave of trading.

If the $Golden Dashboard is confirmed for release in April, it’s likely the daily market cap growth of US$48,000 would compound towards US$100,000 — based on the past week’s growth. Next week could see an explosive market cap growth If the numbers stay in a similar trend. If the token’s market cap passes US$500,000 by Sunday, March 19th, the following week will likely see Golden Inu Market Cap push into the millions. Expectations are between US$1,000,000 and US$1,500,000.If it reaches $1-million, the token value will definitely shed a zero for the second time. 

If the market cap reaches closer to $1.5-million dollars, it may even close in on shedding a third zero. This will mean the token would double again, as well.

The post BSC Token $GOLDEN Nears US$500000 Market Cap, $1M Next Week appeared first on Coinfomania.